Top Birthday Gift Ideas that Men will Love

It’s typical that most women would describe the men in their life as ‘hard to buy for’, it seems like a never ending battle trying to think of presents that aren’t Lynx gift sets or socks, and if you try and find out clues of what they’d like… they typically reply back with a shrug. So here’s a list of top birthday gift ideas that men will love.

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Experience Days

If you find that the gifts you buy seem to get abandoned in a drawer or wardrobe to never be seen again, then maybe you’ll want to consider experience days, for example if the man you’re buying for loves everything army based, you might want to consider Tank Driving Experience days from companies such as – this is out of the box, and will certainly bring out their adventurous side.

Video Games

This might not be up your street, but most men love nothing more than getting the new version of fifa, it keeps them busy for days, and is a great way for them to have a bit of competitive fun with their mates. It could even be a new gaming console they have in mind.  So if you’re trying to think of a present, start talking about video games with them – this will give you a few clues about what they like.

Tech Goodies

Most men love nothing more than a good tech gift – something unusual, and most importantly useful. Amazon Echos have grown in popularity over the years, and have certainly grabbed the attention of tech loving men – it is interactive, useful and allows them to have a bit of fun. Drones are also another favourite, they can be controlled remotely with an app on their smartphone, and it also brings out their childish side as it takes them back to when they owned remote control cars as a kid. Most Drones also have recording features so they can take amazing photographs and sky view video footage… what’s not to like?!

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If you are really stuck for presents to get for a man, then it will probably be best to consider vouchers; this is great because they can get what they want. One4all gift cards can be spent in a wide range of shops, which means they at least have a choice of where to spend the gift card. Amazon vouchers are also a great option; you can even print off a personalised voucher yourself with a unique code – saving you a lot of trouble. Cineworld even offer gift vouchers, and packages, so they can go and watch their favourite film along with a drink and some tasty popcorn.