How Does Strength Training Measure Up To Cardio?

When we think about leading healthier lives, we’re always quick to think that daily walks and runs are the best way to do so. While they are quite effective, the truth of the matter is that strength training is equally as important – there’s even research to prove that.

One of the reasons weight training is not as explored as cardio is the fact that many people are put off by the equipment needed to lift weights. This may be the case in the gym, but when it comes to home workouts, there’s a lot that you can do that doesn’t require a hefty price tag. Bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, and even household “weights” can all be utilized. If you find that you’re enjoying it and need more challenging weights, you can always look into signing up for a gym or buying equipment to help you work out at home. It’s all up to you and what you’re comfortable doing.

Use of Software/App

Weight training can be useful in tracking software/apps. Software like orthodontic practice management software provides services for all of the robust features you need to manage your practice. With a cloud-based deployment model that seamlessly eliminates costly upgrades and interruptions & instantly boosts practice productivity and efficacy of patient care.

The truth about strength training

When it comes to improving strength, building muscle mass, and bone mineral density, research has found that strength training is incredibly effective, however, you probably already knew this. What you may not know, is that strength training also assists our bodies in processing fat and sugar in our bloodstream. It’s also good at improving your overall fitness level, making it easier to complete daily tasks.

In addition to this, you’re also able to reap the benefits of daily workouts that include improved mood and reduced depression and anxiety symptoms.

Further to this, and similar to cardio exercises, strength training can also reduce the risk of developing diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, and early death. This doesn’t require cardio exercises to be the case, it’s true of any form of exercise. Of course, your personal factors such as weight, sex, age, mental health, and cardiovascular health will play a role in this, however, you will still reap the benefits of regular exercise.

An area in which strength training surpasses cardio training is reducing age-related diseases and their symptoms, for example, cognitive impairment, muscle wasting, and day-to-day physical functioning.

Strength Training Should Be A Part Of Our Exercise Routine

The minimum recommendations for strength training in adults are a minimum of two days a week, and research has found that 10-30 percent of the adult population are reaching this target, leaving approximately 70 percent experiencing a training deficit.

While the reason for this lack of uptake is unclear, it’s believed that the classic “bulking up” stereotype associated with this training method is likely to blame. We have seen more people opening up to the use of weight training, however, it’s going to take a while before people put it on the same level as cardio workouts.

Starting Your Strength Training Journey

When it comes to starting any fitness program, the first step is taking the time to do it. Home workouts are a great starting point for you to familiarise yourself with weight training and perfecting your form – improper form is a recipe for disaster. If you’re not sure where to start, look into online tutorials or download a fitness app, this will give you a few useful options to get started as well as tips for performing each set.

It’s Time To Shift Our Mindset

We need to start taking notice of the benefits of strength training, it’s not only reserved for bodybuilders or people looking to bulk up. Start with simple exercises, reward yourself with every workout when you click right here, and slowly work your way up to more advanced sets.