Crypto Tech To Transform Travel & Tourism

Travel and tourism are essential sources of income for governments all over the world. For this reason, perhaps more than any other, it is crucial for modern tech such as cryptocurrencies to be incorporated into these industries to ensure their survival. Below are just some of the reasons why crypto technology could transform travel and […]

Learning The Language Of Flowers

When you get or give a bouquet of flowers, do you put much thought into what the colours and blooms you’ve chosen mean? During the Victorian era, the art of picking and putting together floral arrangements was both an art and a popular hobby, since each flower and colour had its own meaning – and […]

Movies to watch this season

The cold season is all about coziness, hot chocolate, and warm clothes. And what goes perfectly with all of these? A movie night. Whether you’re having a movie night by yourself or with some friends over, deciding what movie to pick is always hard. You can get everything else ready because we came to rescue […]

Putting Artificial Intelligence Myths To Bed

There was a time when proto-humans must have stood around gaping at the fire, fully believing that the yellow, flickering substance was magical. As time progressed, understanding increased, and fire became a priceless ally. Flash forward a few centuries and humans are pointing at artificial intelligence (AI,) wailing about how it will destroy humanity. Of […]